The BUY POLSKA fam trip aims to be a moment and place of work during which the international outgoing/outbound travel agencies and other tours organizers will get known to Krakow and Poland main attractions. During 5-days stay there will be a half day of a conference and 3 days of a fam trip in Malopolska Region.
The main aim of the fam trip is to promote Krakow, Malopolska Region and Poland as an important tourism, leisure, MICE, students and pilgrimages destination.
The organizers welcome foreign tour agents and touroperatos, bloggers and journalists, bishops and priests as well as other tourism, leisure, MICE, students and pilgrimages organizers (buyers).
- All
- Participants
- Krakow
- Auschwitz
- Częstochowa
- Kalwaria
- Wadowice
- Wieliczka
- Organizer

Hi Ernesto, I would like to thank you about fam trip. It was very interesting. I’ve found Poland it’s a nice country with a big heritage. Thank you so much, hoping you are not so tired and we will work together in the future. Bests regards. Claire

Good morning Ernest, I hope all is well with you. Thank you for a wonderful trip last weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The salt mine was truly amazing. Kind regards Raymond

Hello Ernest, Thank you for the invoice. Yes, I will highly recommend you to another agents that I come across who want your services in Poland. I will definitely plan trips to Poland and the surrounding neighbors. All the best, Becky

Hello Ernest, The Fam Trip was great and very valuable to us. I will start contacting the participants soon. I am now Just catching up after our trip to London. I want to sell Poland to a group that takes a yearly trip with 40 to 45 people. I will contact you if they approve. Best regards, Habib

Dear Ernest, Thank you for arranging this fam tour. It is great fam tour. I learn a lot from this trip. If you would like to promote your area to Thailand and ASEAN, I can assist you. Rgds, Jazz

Hi Mr Ernest, Your programs are excellent! Also, everything you said is true re your service! Ive been doing it for about 12 + yrs now & you have been consistent! Ive done almost all of them! Some were even created specially for LBE groups. The most recent Greece/Macedonia & Switzerland were fabulous, well-loved & enjoyable! Cyn & I are currently reviewing some programs i recently asked from Mr Gadek. Im still trying to market Jubilee. Also deciding to choose what to repeat & offer. For sue we will offer Poland again. Would it be too much if i go back there in Oct? Im still hoping to bring my cousin priest & a couple more friends who help me market. If too much, i wont mind taking a break. I love Poland! I could go back again & again even if its just Krakow. Ive asked them for picture. Sorry for the delay. I went to Manila & Danang, Vietnam for a week. Every time i come back from a trip my system is messed up. Jet lag gets worse as you age Thanks a lot for accommodating Cyn & her husband! They all enjoyed it! Nida

Dear Ernest, I would like to thank you for having the opportunity to participate on your Congress. It was fantastic, perfectly organised and I have a lot of ideas for combination tours now. I have a client from Sri Lanka, who is very interested in getting the proposal of the programme Prague + Olomouc + Krakow. Once I get more details, I will surely let you know with sending some request. Again, thank you, Take care, Best regards, Radka

Eva Mestanova
Dear Ernest, Once again thank you for the nice welcome and perfect organisation. IT was great event. I was in Krakow many times in late 80ties and beginning of 90ties, but I was now really impressed. I became even bigger fan of the city then before. And pls feel free to contact me anytime if you need anything in PRG, even if just some advice or help – with pleasure ! Eva Mestanova

Günther Simmermacher
Dear Ernesto, Thank you for a perfectly organised fam-trip. It was really helpful, with superb guides. The trip was also a great networking opportunity, with some good ideas being exchanged between the various professionals. We will definitely get in touch about a pilgrimage in 2025. Apart from being a director in Fowler Tours (responsible for itineraries), I'm also the editor of the national Catholic magazine in South Africa. I will write about Krakow in an upcoming issue, probably April or May, to link the article to the death or birth anniversary of St Jan Pawel II. I'll remember to send you a digital copy of it. With best wishes Günther Simmermacher Editor The Southern Cross Southern Africa's Catholic Monthly Magazine

Rebecca Stoker
Dear Ernest, Thank you so much for your hospitality during last week's Fam Trip. Everything was wonderful and it was incredibly helpful to be able to see the distances between sites, the layout of the sites themselves, and the general flow of the itinerary in and around Krakow. I hope to get a chance to work with you in the future on Poland groups. Best regards, Rebecca Stoker Travel Account Manager

Catherine Swan
Hi Ernest, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the FAM. You shared so much with us and I am definitely going to let everyone know how wonderful the trip is to Poland. There was not one glimmer of the conflict in Ukraine and I am kicking myself for canceling the tour. People were just afraid, I believe. I will now be able to let them know there is nothing to fear. I am going to be in touch shortly to see if we can have you handle a Barcelona overnight tour following a cruise. Thank you again, Catherine Swan

Antonio Barros
Hi Ernesto, Thank you for the invoice. Yes, I really enjoyed meeting you understanding a lot better what you do and how you operate. It was really worthwhile. I have a request for Krakow that has just come in and I will forward it to you as soon as I finalise details. Best regards Antonio Barros

Dear Mr Ernest, I’ve received your invoice very well. We’ll do the payment immediatly. I likte to thank you for the very good stay with program in Krakau. It helps to sell it at our clients. I hope to have more groups for your company. With kind regards Francine

Dear Mr. Ernest, I'm fine, now I'm in Berlin will back soon. This fam trip was great. Thank you for your hospitality. Hope we will keep in touch Have a nice day. Nida

Sharon Withouck
Dear Ernest, I realised that this email was still stuck in concepts since 6/11. Yes I arrived home late last night. I am still sick, going to the doctor today. Thank you for being flexible. The fam trip was fun, nice hotel, nice group and it was nice to see Krakau. I was kind of surprised how big the business is around pilgrim trips, as I am not really religious myself. We have a department in Omnia that does trips like that, so I will definitely share the information with them. To be honest I think it's going to be hard to work together for school trips. The schools usually have a very low budget, so they often request hostels. The way we work at Omnia Travel Schooltrips is: we offer them a price for transportation + accommodation. If they agree to that offer and book with us, thén we work out the complete program and they can decide to book extra activities if they want to. A lot of schools organize their own activities because a lot of the teachers already know the country/city. So what I usually do is offer them both, I offer them the price of transportation + accommodation only - and I also offer them your complete all-in concept. Once they receive our offer they can choose which option they prefer and we have to wait for the school to decide. I do understand why you don't offer hostels and personally I think your price is very reasonable for all that you get. But so far no school has booked yet. I will keep offering them both though. I will give you contact information and the flyer to the other department within our company. Kind regards, Sharon Withouck

Ieva – Lithuania Travel
Dear Ernest, Hope also the last day of the congress went well. We would like to thank you for the opportunity to attend the congress, it was a great and useful experience for us! I would also like to ask you by when we could receive the final invoices for the three of us? Thank you in advance and wish you a good start of the week. Best regards from Lithuania, Ieva – Lithuania Travel

Siiri Merila and Nigel Kelly
Dear Ernest, Thank you very much for a useful and rewarding congress. From personal experience, we know just how much work is involved in preparing and running such a complex event for so many people from so many places. Your staff, the exposition vendors, the coach drivers, the visit location staff, and the meal providers were excellent. The Legend Hotel and its friendly staff were faultless. The other delegates provided a rich mix of contacts and information. All these helped to ensure we gathered plenty of material and possibilities for the future. For further congresses, we would suggest: • A slightly less ambitious itinerary and timetable. • Lecturers and sellers to be more focused verbally and visually on key facts and unique selling points, avoiding repetition. • Possibly a city-periphery hotel(s) location to avoid some of Kraków’s heavy traffic. • Perhaps a widening out to a non-Catholic site, or to the increasing market for spiritual renewal and retreats, if this exists in Poland. Siiri expects to provide an article for Reisimaailm (Travel World) in Estonia, particularly as this is a subject little covered there at present. Nigel will contribute information about the Congress and Polish pilgrimage sites to the British religious press. We shall let you have English-language copies, when they are available. We were sorry to have only the briefest contact with you during the Congress, but realised how busy you were. We wish you and all at Ernesto Travel the very best for the future. Siiri Merila and Nigel Kelly

Good day, Ernest, Thank you so much for your gracious hospitality and generous invitation to the ICORTAP conference in Poland! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Poland. The Q Hotel Plus was wonderful and convenient. I enjoyed my walks back and forth to Old Town. The visits to the Holy Sites were invaluable to me and will help me going forward with my groups. Lynn and I enjoyed our last night together over dinner and the wonderful Classical Music Concert at Sts. Peter and Paul! What a great way to end our stay in Krakow. I look forward to working with you and your office staff in the future. Best regards, Evelyn P.S. I know you were looking for feedback on the conference. My only suggestion would be for the presenters to have more slides of their destinations, and not so many statistics. Also, as I was travelling as a single, it might be nice the first night, to invite the solo travelers to perhaps dine together. I felt a bit disconnected at the start of the conference until I met Lynn and Natalia.

Здравствуйте, Эрнест! Еще раз хочу поблагодарить за отличную организацию Конгресса, за прием и внимание. Все было на высшем уровне. Думаю, что наша встреча не последняя и надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество. Приглашаем Вас с женой приехать в Украину, и в Киев в частности. P.S. И пару фотографий на тему "Все отдыхают - они работают") Natalia

Dear Ernest, Good Day , trust my email finds you well. I want to thank you for all the hard work done to make the congress successful, for the good arrangement & organization. Hope you had a successful trip as well to Portuga and Spain. Regarding the our feedback for the congress: • Organization : Well done. • Meeting & updates: well done. • Hotels: we Stayed at Q Plus Hotel , actually not in the centre but not too far from The town. But the hotel will not be suitable for Lebanese people as a 4 * Hotel & we cannot offer it to our clients as it is not centrally locate and the amenities are not good: no tissues in the room, no water on daily basis, no slippers & no toothbrush, no toothpaste, all rooms are served with Twin beds eventhought it was booked 1 DBL & 2 SGL rooms. • Lectures : NOV.07: maybe the lectures that held in the beginning was too long as it is not too useful for agencies coming abroad to Poland to have the statistics & economic numbers. All the lectures with videos was well presented & very useful. - Regarding the Expo: it was good actullay to meet the local expositors but the 3 hrs was too tiring & long for the small number held especially we had a presentation of their products during the lectures. (One and half hour was more than enough). Even you noticed that we all went out to relax after one hour & waited in the Lectures Hall till depature time at 18:00. We could went to see the Divine Mercy a bit earlier when it was still daylight to check it from outside as well. Regarding the Meals Basis: the Breakfast at Q Plus Hotel was good & acceptable; we have some complaints regarding the below: NOV.07 : was good , dinner at Garden Square Hotel was good with a Buffet choice. NOV.08: Lunch at Hotel Imperiale was not suitable at all actually, there was a very small starter ( Pork choice only). Then the Main dish portion is too small to fit after a tiring day. For these types of groups there should be a open buffet or at least a set menu choice (Me, Kamel & Carmen do not eat Turkey nor meat, nor Pork), so there should be an international meal instead that might suitable others ( like Spaghetti, Pizza or others) with no drinks at all. For Dinner at Karczma restaurant , we did not join. NOV.09: lunch at Dworek Mikolaj was with too limited choice as well for a set menu (soup with Turkey, we asked to have other vegeterian soup, they accepted after a long negotiation to bring us Broccoli soup; the main dish was Troute fish also we eat only Sea Fish & not river fish with no other choice, so we were obliged to eat french fries only). Therefore i need to recheck with you Ernest regarding the meals included for our group as we will face big problem with them if the meals choices & menues will be the same as we had during our trip. As well i need to check with your about the possibility to have a small lecture for Samana Travel to present Pilgrimage in Lebanon during next year Congress that will be held in Poland. As Lebanon is listed by the Vatican this year in the list of countries suitable for Pilgrimage. What are the procedures? Waiting your reply with thanks For any further information do not hesitate to contact me Best Regards, LINA DAEZLY HMAYED

Dear Ernest, I am sorry for taking so long to write to you and say a very big thank you for the event and the given possibility to present Vilnius there. I really liked the congress and I hope to participate there next year. As I mentioned, maybe we could think about organising one of the post tours to Vilnius? But we can talk about it later, as I believe, that your hands are very full now after the congress, so it is just a quick email to say thank you for everything! Also, I am talking with Dagmara and about to book the flights for her. The hotel is already booked and it will be one of the brand new ones Hotel Vilnia: https://hotelvilnia.lt/. Really looking forward to this trip and I hope that next time you can participate there yourself. Thank you again and enjoy your weekend. Augusta

Alexandra ZAMFIR
Dear Ernest, Thank you so much, was so interesting all what visited & saw and perfect organization, CONGRATULATIONS, discovered a nice Krakow area and surroundings, you & your team a good partner for Poland. All the best!!! Alexandra ZAMFIR

Mariana Delgado
Hi Ernest, I wish you are well and you recovered your energies after the congress and your trip to Portugal. Thank you so much for your excellent organization and your hospitality. Take care Mariana Delgado

Ernest Thank you so much. I loved it Very well organized and very proud to be the only Brazilian present Many thanks Marilucia

Martyn Paterson
Dear Ernest Many, many thanks again for arranging such a comprehensive event in Poland. I thoroughly enjoy myself, made useful contacts & learned a great deal about the country & about your organisation. The program was very full & apart from some time management issues it all pulled together. Overall the suggestion I would like you to consider is to run the fam trips before the workshop event as that gives an insight into the destination & allows participants to plan & target their meetings. It also allows buyers to get to know each other a little before the final activities in Krakow which makes more detailed conversations easier. I found that you had pulled together a very diverse group of buyers & sellers covering a wide range of interests & needs. Using a mixture of staff & guides did make some things a little more confusing than they needed to be but everyone eventually found the information needed. My personal arrangements worked perfectly, I enjoyed staying at the Legend Hotel (although my room was small for a 4 or 5-night stay) & the location was excellent. My visit to Poland was extended so I could visit Zakopane & the Dunajec Valley & I can see how these combine well with Krakow. Ernest, we will now start working on extending our offerings to Poland for the Australian market & will consider what can be done in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia etc. I will contact you directly if & when we need something further. Many thanks again & VERY well done to you & all the staff involved, it was a pleasure to meet you. Best regards Martyn Paterson

Sandra Alexandre.
Dear Ernest, I come to you to thank you for the amazing experience we lived during the ICORTAP 2019. It was something I did not quite expect and no doubt exceeded my expectations. Your team work was unbeatable accompanying us always with sympathy and knowledge. Thank you for allowing me to be there with you and learn from you what Poland has to offer and what turism sector has and needs in the near future. For me it was very important to understand what travel agencies look for when they set up travel programs so that we here may better manage what we can offer. Also now I know, whenever people ask me for advice for their travels, where to send them and to whom they should speak with in order to make the most of their time. For now and as I might have wrote to you before, in order to transform the county where I work regarding its religious and cultural heritage, we are planning a 1st congress between the 16th and 19th of may 2020 dedicated to Saint Anthony and, because 18th may 2020 is the celebration of the 100th birthday for Saint John Paul II, also to him. In this congress we what formalize partnerships as well as combine faith with culture, arts with letters, tourism with pilgrimage and reach the largest number of people nationally and internationally. Regardless of that I would like to share something we you that I don’t quite know if you might be interested but anyway… If one of your target market is the senior tourism and if you want them to visit Portugal, especially Fátima and/or Lisbon and the surroudings but at the same time be out of the city and take cared 24/7 and relax and have exclusive custom programs planed for them, text me whenever you feel the need, I have a proposal for you. For my part, I reiterate my appreciation for the experience of ICORTAP and for have enabled me to establish major contacts as with the Peter’s Way Tour by the shrewd and extremely sympathetic Karen Rohrecker. Hope we may keep in touch. It was a pleasure to meet you and your team. Best regards, Sandra Alexandre.

Pedro Mafra
Dear Ernesto, good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me to this conference and for giving me the opportunity to present ACISO and our International Workshops on Religious Tourism. We’re also grateful for your time and effort in involving us. We strongly hope this exchange continues to give us a chance to strengthen our relationship, with mutual advantages in working with Religious Tourism. See you in Fátima next March, at the 8th IWRT. Melhores cumprimentos, Pedro Mafra

Hello Ernest, I just returned to the States a few days ago, so I apologize for taking so long to respond. First, I would like to thank you for the tremendous effort you gave to organizing the Congress on Religious Tourism and Pilgrimages. Congratulations on a successful “3rd” Congress! As I shared with Dagmara, I am going to draft a more detailed summary of my experience and the experiences of the guests I brought through Peter’s Way Tours. Please give me a few more days and I’ll be back in touch to share those thoughts. Thank you also for the hospitality so evident in all the members of your team; especially Dominika who we loved! She took very good care of us and I am grateful. I will be in touch again soon. Blessings! Karen

Vânia Campos Sardinha
Dear Ernest! Thank you so much for organizing this Workshop! Wish you all the success!!! Hope to see you next year! Melhores Cumprimentos/Best regards/Cordiali saluti/Bien cordialement/Z wyrazami szacunku/Saludos Vânia Campos Sardinha

Hello Miroslaw, Thank you for your mail. We were much happy to be able to participate at the Congress, it was an useful experience. Next year we are planning to organise a pilgrimage on the occasion of the 100 jubilee of the birth of saint John Paul II. Will contact you. We are also looking for companies which are producing devotionalia. We were trying to participate at the Fair in Kielce for several years, but the date in June is very inappropriate. Best regards, Andreja

Hello Ernesto, I am fine, hope that you are OK also. Thanks for your organisation, that was wonderfull.. I hope to be there next year! Have a nice Sunday. Sincerly, Paul

Good AM to u! It was awesome! I love the hotel you put us! Thank you for everything! Nida

Father Josef Scharf
Hello Ernest, Thank you for the congress with many intressting news about Poland. Father Josef Scharf

My dear Ernesto! I began a "thank you letter" to write you but have soo much to do that I could not finish it! I must tell you you are really professional!! Everything was super organized, even that we reached Czestochowa in the afternoon so nice lighted, and the mine also in the afternoon not too many people. It was really a perfect tour and I want to offer it in Hungary in that hotel Legend, that is absolutely perfect also with the location! SO will come back to you soon! What is the high season by you? Thank you again! Dora

Hello Ernest, thank you for writing! We had a really great time in Krakow, we are talking very often about it. Everyghing was very well organized and we met a lot of interesting people. Thank you!!! Best regards Marianne

Good evening Ernesto The Congress was awesome. I made many interesting contacts. Thanks for this great organization. Kind regards Guillaume

Hi Ernest, Well received. My pleasure to attend your conference. I look forward to bring our group to Poland in April 2020. Thank you. Best regards, Maria

Dear Ernest,
You put together a wonderful congress! Thanks so much. Select International will be working with you on the next group that we receive for pilgrimage to Poland. Enjoy your Portugal and Spain trip!

Fr. Michel KHOURY, Fr. Antonio AZIZ
Dear Mr Ernesto,
Good day from Lebanon,
First of all, we, Fr. Antonio AZIZ and Fr. Michel KHOURY, would like to extremely thank you for all your efforts done to bring this congress organization completely perfect and successful, especially for your high sense of hospitality, your humble assistance and your absolute kindness.
Our first participation at this exceptional experience brought us not only new and useful information but also offered us the chance to meet gentle people like you. The whole atmosphere was peaceful, smooth and completely pleasant.
Once again, we highly appreciate your invitation, your accommodation and great assistance.
Second, we would like to send our warm regards to Mrs Sophia and Mr Tomaso as well as all your staff who contributed to the success of this interesting congress. We would love to be regularly informed about any new activity of this kind that could bring interest to our kind of service and would be pleased to meet you one more time.
Hoping we could collaborate together from now on and are humbled to welcome, serve and assist you in any service you could need or also in our Lebanon.
Wishing you the best of luck in your work and God bless every step you make.
Sincerely yours

Carine Karam Hokayem
Good day dear Ernesto,
I was so glad everything went great with the congress and especially with the participation of Fr. Aziz and Fr. Khoury, Congratulations!
I would like personally to thank you so much for the wonderful gift you sent for me and appreciate it a lot (By the way, your country is astonishing in pictures and I wish I could have the chance one day to visit it with even more cities and to meet you).
Hope we will constantly remain in contact and I will be at your disposal anytime,
Wishing you a great evening :)
Best Regards

Thanks for a wonderful Congress. We loved it! Gary and I enjoyed it immensely and the Lord willing, we will get a group together for a pilgrimage to Poland. Thanks for your hard work and faith. It all shows so beautifully. In Christ,

Margaret Kreutzjans
Hello Ernest-
My stay in Poland was wonderful!! You have a beautiful and spiritual country.
I’ve been sharing my experience with my office. Thank you so much for hosting everyone!
I hope you and your staff have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Matilda Dragičević
Dear Ernesto,
Once again thank you for excellent organization of Congress and for showing us a part of your beautifull country.
Having Archbishop Hosser from Poland and knowing how much John Paul ll did for Medjugorje , is a challenge for us to try to organize a pilgrimage from Medjugorje to Krakow.
Also, as soon as I have a time I will send you a request for some programs for my American client.
In Medjugorje for any service, we ill be pleased to be at your disposal.
Have a nice and Blessed day,

Paula Nikinha
Hello Ernest and everybody
I would also like to thank you for the invitation and have participated on the congress which was very good and productive
I really enjoyed the services of ernest travel and each of the people who work there very friendly and very professional people
Thank you

Hi Ernest,
Thank you so much for inviting me! I had a wonderful time on the trip and learned so many new things. The tours were all great and I also loved the Legend hotel, it's a very nice property in such a great location. Thanks again.

Dear Ernest,
Happy New Year! I just want to say that I had a wonderful and very productive time at ICoRTap. What a great conference. Thank you very much for your hospitality and tidings!
Here is to a wonderful New Year with much success and productivity.
Hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Wesolych Swiat.
Sto Lat!

Let me first start out by saying how wonderful it was to meet you and your colleagues finally in person! The whole conference was very informative and well organized. It was also very nice to make some new contacts and network potentialities as well. Bravo! I also can't believe the absolutely beautiful weather we had during the congress! That was unusual for I've been to Poland during November at other times and it was always much, much colder. It is now very cold here in Connecticut and we actually already had snow here!

Dear Ernesto!
Just a quick note to offer you my thanks for the Congress that you organised.
It was an excellent event, and I am very grateful for everything we saw and did.
With kind regards

Thank you Ernesto for the great organization and pleasant company!!
It was very very interesting for me and thanks to that I'm working on a new idea, from which I hope that it gives us a chance to work together maybe in future.
I do not know exactly if I can manage to come to Barcelona on the 24th, haven't decided yet, but I would really like to have more time to speak with you personally, time we didn't have in Cracovia.
I will add our group prices, in case it will cross your mind to send groups to Spain and Andorra, Marian Route for example.
Hope you recovered from the hard work, that you've had a great walk in the mountains and that we'll be in contact!
Best regards,

Hi Ernest.
I would like to thank you on the behalf of my colleagues for such a nice event. I’ve heard really nice reviews. I hope we will be able to participate next year as well.
Also, I would like to return on our discussion about the fam trip to Vilnius. Do you think it would be possible? Who would you think, could attend from your company? There are many changes in Vilnius and it would be wonderful to welcome you here and show it. Please let me know when it would be the best time for you to organise such trip.
Have a wonderful week and speak before the Christmas again.
Best wishes,

Hello Ernest,
Thank you :)
First of all, I would like to congratulate you and your team for the organization of the congress and fam trip!
It was a very interesting congress and the program of activities was excellent.
It was a pleasure to visit Krakow and participate in the event!
Thank you and have a great day!

Good morning Ernest,
First of all thank you so much for the opportunity of joining you and your team in Krakow. The congress as well as the visits were very interesting and helpful on getting to know some companies that can (and hopefully will) became partners.
Hope to receive you in another opportunity in Fátima and specially on Essence Inn Marianos Hotel.
Thank you once more and best regards,

Hello dear Ernest,
I’d like to thank you very much for this congress and above all to congratulate you for the organization.
Everything was absolutely perfect (hotel, transfers, staff etc).
I was very impressed by the progress Poland has made. Cracow and Warsaw are of unique beauty!! I would have never imagined what a beautiful country you have!!
The Poles, you are being doing a fantastic job for your country and given what you’ve been through, you are doing miracles!
Thanks again and best regards,

Bruno, Lourdes
Dear Ernest,
I wanted to thank you and all your team for this 2nd Congress !
The organisation was excellent.
Do you think it's possible you send me the list of all the participants (with the e.mail adresses) please?
Best regards,

Piernha Marc
Dear Ernesto,
I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank you for your invitation to the 2nd International Congress of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimages! This convention provided us with a unique experience to network and connect with other Priests, agencies and tour operators we wouldn’t have a chance to meet otherwise.
The professionalism of your guides and your driver stood out as well as your attention to detail and seamless program. I have reached out to Dagmara T. in hopes of discussing a potential partnership with Ernesto Travel in the future. I am humbled and proud to have been part of your conference and hope that you continue to offer this opportunity in the future.
From all of us at 206 Tours thank you and blessings to you and your team.

Pierre and Brigitte Barrere
Good evening from the Maison du Pelerin in Lourdes
dear Ewa, dear Ernesto
we are just back for 2 days in Lourdes and we apologize not to have reply to your mail earlier
we thanks you very much for your wonderful welcoming in Krakow
and we appreciate very much your City and your work
of course we’ll come back to you, now we got Ryanair flying direct from Lourdes
and we plan to send individuals and our parishs to you to visit your beautiful region
we are expecting you and your staff coming to us as well to discover Lourdes and the Pyrenees
best regards
Pierre and Brigitte Barrere

On this special Day of Thanksgiving i shout out to you my hugs and kisses and a giant THANK U!
You have led me to a wonderful world and you have helped me take my family and lots of friends see the beauty of God’s creations in your land and beyond!
For this i Thank God for you!
"There is no end to adventures we seek if only we can explore them with open eyes."

Diacono Brian
Dear Ernesto,
Thank you so much for these beautiful photos.
The congress was very interesting. One susggestion. It would be great if the next one has daily mass incorporated into the program.
Que el Senor te bendiga,
Diacono Brian

Hello Ernest
We made it hone safe and sound Thank You the great time and tours , hope to see you soon.
Just a few comments ‘
The tour of the former German Nazi camp could be cut down by at least 50%
All meals were great expect the Gala Diner in the Cloth Hall was not good its was sort of a cocktail party ? a lot of people dressed up for it and were let down no place sit they run out of food etc. hope that this could be corrected in future years
I guess what I am try to say is spend less time at each place and maybe more sites to see.
Just one other note --Can we trans of the speaker on the opening day
Thank you again

Kurt Rumplmayr
Dear Mr. Ernesto!
Thank you for these pictures.
I’ve enjoyed Krakow and the congress so much, especially thanks to your organization and your great team.
Kurt Rumplmayr

Hi Ernest,
Thank you for sharing the photos! You and your whole staff deserve congratulations for all your efforts and hard work. It was an honor for me to participate in the Congress and I thank you. It was an unforgettable time for me, my first ever visit to Poland so it will always be special. And of course now I can’t wait to plan another trip. I learned a lot and have such a deep respect for your country and it’s devotion to Our Lady.
I look forward to doing more business with you in 2018. And perhaps some Oberammergau groups in 2020.
Take care,


Dear Ernest,
Thank you very much for the organization of this congress. It was my first trip to Poland and I was surprised by the beauty of the city of Krakow.
The visits in French were very great, with each time a very good tour guide. The quality of the hotel was excellent, and the restaurants and food as well.
Maybe just a few comments :
-the service in the restaurants (especially the first lunch on Thursday and the last dinner on Saturday) was too slow, and it was too bad that on Thursday we did not have the time to visit the Divine Mercy Sanctuary. But thankfully we could visit it on Saturday !
-The translation in the bus was for the first day only in Spanish, and it was sometimes a bit frustrating not to understand what was saying. But then on the following day, we had the translation in English as well.
I hope you are fine after this busy week !!!
Thank you to all the members of your team as well.
I am waiting for our next work collaboration.
Kind regards,

Fr. Jos Daems.
Dear Ernesto,
I want to let you know that I had a save jouney back home.
I want to thank you and the entire Ernest Travel team for the congres.
I had some very interesting contacts with you and your team, so I am sure that we will keep in touch for our pelgrimage in 2019 (we don’t have a pilgrimage planned in 2018).
Again thank you for those five days.
Fr. Jos Daems.

Mr Ernest & Mr Gadek,
In behalf of my group we would like to thank you both and your organization for letting us join the congress. We had a lot of fun n shopping ? On our last leg to SFO now. Talk later....
"There is no end to adventures we seek if only we can explore them with open eyes."

Lucie Markova, Brno
Dear Mr. Ernest,
Thank you very much for your invitation.
I have participated on Thu morning session and I was pleasantly surprised, how interesting event and audience you have organized and brought to Krakow.
Unfortunately I was not successful to meet you in person, so I have talked to your Group manager
for Italien market, Aleksandra. I have left by her "greetings from Brno" for you.
Lucie Markova, Brno

Daniela Tomé
Dear mr. Miroslaw,
On the behalf of our team we would like to thank you for all the organization, planning and welcoming in Krakow.
Despite an intensive and very interesting programme of activities, it was our great pleasure in joining in and learning so much more about your historically and culturally rich country and city.
As I had mentioned to Deborah on the meeting after the talks, we have two groups planning to travel to Krakow in 2018.
I’ll be emailing you the temptive dates and itineraries this week so we can start working on the quotes and details.
Please give our warmest regards to the \“guides" and drivers from bus 3 for their patience and resilience.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
Daniela Tomé

Dear Ernest,
Good morning!
Thank you for a lovely trip.
I would like to wish you all the very best and you have lovely staffs.
For me it was a lovely experience to see Krakow and how beautiful the country is. I will get Simon to put up some of your tour itinerary’s on our website. We are a bit tired right now and will get back to you for some itinerary’s once we are settled.
Have a lovely day!
Kind regards

Aruna Shetty
Dear Ernesto,
Greetings from Mumbai !!.
Thank you once again for the wonderful arrangements and giving us an opportunity to see your beautiful country. Your team a did a excellent job of co-ordination and also educated us on a lot of details to do with tourism. Will not forgetting to mention the excellent services also provided by the drivers, guides hotel staff etc.
We assure you of supporting tourism in Poland and will surely write to you for our queries.
We wish and hope that you continue to be the best and look forward to doing business with you soon.
God bless and warm regards
Aruna Shetty

Dear Ernest, Dagmara, Dagmara and Wojciech
Thank you so much for an excellent visit to Krakow!
I have learnt so much over the last few days and I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to be part of this. I have much to think about and will try and formulate some tour ideas to discuss with you – but I need some sleep first!
You created a hugely successful event and you should all be very proud of what you have achieved. Please don’t listen to any moans that you might get. Yes it was hard work but that is what we were there for, to see and do as much as possible in a short time.
Once again, many, many thanks
Kindest regards